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Inspiring Stories from above and underwater

Scuba Experience - For Veterans and Their Families

published in December 2023
As many as 800 000 people suffer from PTSD in Australia and that figure isn’t getting smaller. Over the last 3 years with all the fear that was pumped into the hearts and homes of Australians, domestic violence has soared, more traumas have occurred, and even more people are seeking help.

Capacity Building: Scuba Therapy is the New Approach to Rehabilitation

published in September 2023
We have taken a different approach and now bring hope to these people. We are thinking outside of the box or, in this case, outside the wheelchair. Challenging and changing the thinking within healing and rehabilitation and combining that with a passion for scuba diving.

Empowering Growth and Healing Through Scuba Therapy

published in August 2023
When the Senses that define you as disabled – are disabled, we become equal, a remarkable transformation occurs, fostering equality in unexpected ways.

Autoimmune Diseases

published in may 2019

Behind so many illnesses these days lurks an auto-immune issue. Our basic understanding of autoimmune disease is it stems from the gut.

wheelie campers

Mobility Impaired

published in june 2019

What a pleasure it was meeting Scott from Wheelie Campers who caters for those outgoing people who need help with accessibility and or mobility.

wheelie campers

Focus on Nutrition

published in november 2019

I invite you to walk along with me for a moment to learn some cool nutrition facts about your body and how we can live to the best of our abilities towards a healthier version of ourselves.